Hello lovely readers! Did you all have a great day yesterday? Raise your hand if you are sick of seeing what people’s husbands bought them for Valentine’s Day on Facebook! (Um, meeeeee! hahaha) My husband did get me something very small and thoughtful but I am purposely NOT putting it on the blog. You can breathe a sigh of relief! haha
Anyway, I wanted to check back in with you all about my Year of the Hot Mom Challenge. Yup, I’m still sticking with it!
After 6 weeks, here are my stats:
I’ve only lost 4.6 pounds (*sniff*),
I’ve lost a total of 8 inches all over my body! Whoo hoo!!! (I took my first measurements on January 14th, which was about 2 weeks in, so technically I’ve probably lost more inches than that overall.)
Most significant was my (natural) waist – I’ve lost TWO inches!! Isn’t that crazy?! My stomach was a close 2nd (belly-button area) with a total of 1 and 3/4 inches lost.
Least significant was my arms – a total of ZERO inches lost – not even a quarter of an inch. Isn’t that crazy?! And I have been lifting weights and everything! (Does anyone know a great workout that is guaranteed to give good results on arms? I was using 2 pound weights and then switched to 8-pounders when a friend let me borrow hers. I do a variety of arm exercises but clearly they’re not cutting it! If you have a link online or a video suggestion or really anything at all for arms, I would love the advice!)
Moving forward from here, I’m going to continue working out on my elliptical 6 days most weeks (occasionally it’s 5 depending on how busy I am at night). I’m going to strive to really streamline my portions and my snacking to keep that weight loss moving forward! Right now I am 1.4 pounds away from my goal of losing a pound per week. I’m hoping over the next 6 weeks I can make up the difference! That would require me to lose 7.4 pounds in 6 weeks. Sounds like cake for most people, but not for my sloth-like metabolism body.
But I have nothing to lose except weight, right?! lol
Three final thoughts:
1. I strongly recommend taking your measurements if you are going to begin a weight-loss journey. I would be SO bummed out about a measly 4.6 pounds if it weren’t for the 8 inches I’ve lost in addition! They’re less than $2 at Wal-Mart and SO worth the investment, in my opinion!

2. It’s a crazy, weird, awesome feeling to read any magazine article about exercise and to count myself in with “those people” now. I work out! I’m an exerciser! I get more than the recommended amount of exercise per week! Whoo hoo!! It’s a crazy new world, baby! lol
3. This is probably sick and twisted but I always think about weight loss in terms of butter! hahahaha So even though 4.6 pounds in 6 weeks isn’t that awesome, it’s still like losing almost EIGHTEEN STICKS OF BUTTER from my body. LOL!

If you’ve been trying to work out or watch what you eat, let me just encourage you to KEEP GOING! You ARE worth it and you DO deserve to feel good about yourself!
(If anyone has any tips about how to help tone my arms, pretty please share in the comments!! :)