Thursday, February 23, 2012

Target, Goodwill and Resale Finds

It has been a SUPER long time since I showed my thrifted finds on the blog!  Some of you may groan when people write posts like this, but I personally find it fascinating.  I loooove seeing what other people score at yard sales and thrift stores.  Don’t ask why; I just do. :)

Target has been having clearance off all of their Valentine’s décor.  I went one day and scored these magazine holders, some felt rick-rack, and the pink paper tray for 50 cents each (pink is my favorite color so I gotta incorporate it in small doses around the house when I can! lol). 

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{sorry, I know it’s blurry}


Then I went back just a few days later and everything was 70% off!  I snagged three more holders and the magnetic letters for Luke for just 30 cents each!  The red frame was on clearance for $1.49 and originally had a Valentine’s matte; I just pulled it out and now it’s goes great in Luke’s big boy room.  The Dove dark chocolates were on sale for $1.99….and you better believe that package got ripped open in the parking lot – they’re just lucky I didn’t open it in the store.  :) I also scored some big chocolate-caramel chocolate bars for my husband but those never made it into the picture. :)

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Our local Goodwill has 50% off on major holidays – I don’t know if President's Day qualifies as a major holiday, but they always have a sale and I’m not complaining!  I didn’t find much – but I’m happy with what I did find.  

A new fitted green crib sheet for Luke ($1), a blue frame for Luke’s room (50 cents) and a nice wooden one for the living room (50 cents):

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A small under-the-bed storage box (I’m always looking for more of these to store the clothes Luke grows out of!) for $2.50 and a little plastic organizer for 50 cents. 

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But my MOST favorite, happy-dance find was this vintage chalkboard for TWO DOLLARS!  I am so in love with this thing.  It has two hooks to hang in the back and a little rail at the bottom for chalk.  When the weather warms up just a little bit more, I’m going to paint the wood a bright, happy yellow.  Perfect for the playroom!  I was so excited. :)

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I’m also part of a local resale group on Facebook (I’ve mentioned it before here), and I found this adorable toddler sleigh bed for Luke!  She was originally asking $50 and I asked her if she would take $40 and she did.  I am so NOT a fan of the giant chunky racecar plastic beds for kids (nothing personal, just not my style).  This is going to be painted a happy bright red to pop against his light blue walls.  We haven’t even told him about it yet because right now he loves his crib and who are we to mess with a good thing? :)


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So that’s just a few of the things that I’ve found lately!  Hopefully I didn’t bore you to tears!  lol

Linking up to:



  1. I love to hear about good thrifty finds... not as much as I like finding them myself though...:)

  2. Love the cute VDay decor that you got! :) Good work sissy!

  3. Goodwill love!! I found some of the same pink magazine holders to use around the house. Don't ya love the dollar section at Target?

  4. Wow! You got some really great finds. :)

  5. I got a bunch of flour sack towels (set of 4) at Target yesterday for just over a dollar, very cute colors too AND two 12 packs of solid white buffet napkins for two bucks! I was so excited!!

    LOVE those magazine holders you got!

  6. Some great finds here well done !

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