Saturday, February 8, 2014

No-Spend Month {Round 2}: Week 1 Check-In

No-Spend Month {February 2014} 012

Well, I’d say this week was a success!  First of all I am happy to report that I actually had TWO dollars left in my grocery budget!  A-mazing!  I was pretty positive I’d be visiting all my friends’ houses and searching their couches for spare change by the end of the week.  So that was happy.  ;)


Here’s what I bought, not including 2 gallons of 2% for Chris and Luke:

IMG_0935   IMG_0937
IMG_0951     IMG_0976
{Chris, Livi and I try to eat almost exclusively whole foods, but you’ll definitely notice some processed foods in these photos.  I’ve touched on it before but Luke has some pretty serious eating issues {enough to warrant therapy with an OT that insurance actually covers} so we buy a LOT of crunchy carbs and things he is safe with.  At this point in my son’s life, doing “food chaining” with him {the process of starting with safe foods and moving to new ones gradually} and getting calories in his body is my top priority…even if that means I cringe every time I have to buy him something that might not be the healthiest. Oh, and the Pringles? Free with 2 boxes of Cheez-Its.  We literally never buy them otherwise but Chris was THRILLED.  haha }
Anyway!  Moving on. :)
You will notice a chocolate bar {part of a gift for a friend} and also a Valentine’s snack cup in the Target picture.  Those cups are only $1.99 at Target {I KNOW!!} and I absolutely could NOT pass one up for my little heart warrior!  I mean I love pink anyway but seriously this could not be more perfect for her Valentine’s gift!  I had money in the budget so I went for it.  :)

Here’s what we ate for the week:
Saturday – Homemade Pizza {put some dough in freezer}
Sunday – Crockpot Salsa Chicken
Monday – Homemade Meatballs and Spaghetti {put some in freezer}
Tuesday – leftovers
Wednesday – Skillet Fried Rice
Thursday – Frozen Pizza {Since January 1st we’ve been having frozen pizza night once a week – usually on Friday.  BEST THING EVER for my sanity!}
Friday – Homemade Refried Beans and Homemade Quesadillas

Homemade Granola {didn’t turn out well}
Applesauce Bread
Pumpkin Pancakes
Egg Salad for lunches
Yes, I am in my kitchen A LOT!!!!!

On the plus side of money, I brought a big load of clothes to the consignment shop on February 1st, and I also sold $18 worth of items from my house via a Facebook.  $10 of that went toward a Facebook Fitness Challenge I’m participating in {entry fee}, and the other $8 went to my big “Consignment Sale Fund” for April. 

Our oops moment?  When we realized on February 1st {Saturday morning} that we’d promised Luke earlier that week that he could watch Despicable Me with Chris {for the first time ever}.  And people, there was no way I was gonna hear about that for the next 28 days from my four-year-old.  So we DID spend $2.99 on that from Amazon Instant Stream.  And great memories were made. :)

So, to recap:
$2 leftover from groceries {miraculous}

$18 made from selling clothes, leaving $8 toward my consignment fund
{$92 left to fund it}
Oops money: -$2.99
Not bad at all! :)
This week I’m definitely going to try to sell more clothes and chip away at that $100 goal!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 


  1. Don't forget the library for movies and we actually own that one. I'd be happy to share! Just a little tip to support you on your journey. Hehehe!

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