Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Cinnamon Carrot Muffins

WOW it’s been such a long time since I posted a recipe!  “Chatting” with a friend today on Facebook reminded me of how far I’ve come with this clean-eating/whole foods journey.  Back in 2010, when I started, I was a total newbie out to change two products a month in my pantry to the cleaner version.  I gave myself a 5-year goal.  LOL! It’s insane how fast and furious the whole food revolution has come.  Back in 2010, what I was doing was new, different, and out-of-the-ordinary.  Now most people understand {even if not always perfectly implemented} how to eat “clean” – which is AWESOME!

There is a huge spectrum of clean/healthy/whole foods eating, and I am definitely not at the most extreme end.  There are many people eating both a lot better and a lot worse than I do.  I mostly aim to eat whole foods and organic when I can afford it.  This is what works for our family! Wherever YOU are on the journey, just keep educating yourself and aiming to make better and better choices as the months and years go on.  Any gains you make in this area are positive!  {For my recipes, click here.  For my Clean Eating posts and journey {including almost all of my recipes}, click here.}


Anyway, on to this yummy recipe!

The great thing about carrots is that they are relatively cheap {even organic carrots!} and they keep for a long time when compared to many other vegetables.  With spring arriving soon, I thought I’d share these muffins.  How fun would they be for a little Easter brunch or Springtime party? Really, they’re great year-round.  They have been a big hit in our family! They’re a great snack for toddlers, too, since the carrots mostly dissolve – leaving a soft muffin that has some great vegetable nutrition in it! I love that they are simple and *just* sweet enough.  I like mine sliced open with a little butter but they are really nice as-is, too.  :)




Cinnamon Carrot Muffins
{Adapted from Whole Living Magazine, April 2011}

Dry ingredients:
1 1/4 C white whole wheat flour  {I like King Arthur brand!}
2 T ground flax seed
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/8 tsp salt


Wet ingredients:
1/3 C vegetable oil {I like Spectrum brand organic canola at Target}
1/3 C buttermilk **don’t worry – you can make your own below!
2 large eggs
3/4 C unpacked light brown sugar or turbinado sugar {I’ve done both}
1 C finely grated carrots {maybe 3 or 4 depending on size}
1/4 C water


Preheat oven to 350.  Grease a 12-muffin tin with cooking spray.

Whisk dry ingredients in a bowl. 

Whisk wet ingredients in a separate bowl.

Fold dry ingredients into wet and mix until just combined.

Spoon batter into muffin cups. 

Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean, about 20-22 minutes depending on your oven.  Cool in pan slightly then transfer to wire rack. 



**You can always easily make your own buttermilk by using milk and white vinegar.  Put 1 T of vinegar into a measuring cup, then fill with milk up to the 1 C line.  Stir and then wait a minute or two for it to sour the milk.  So for this recipe, use 1 tsp of white vinegar, fill with milk to the 1/3 C line, stir and wait a moment before using in the recipe. 


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