
Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Favorite Things Party {2011}

I have to preface by saying that it’s a little ironic for me to join this party each year, since the majority of the things in my house were purchased at Goodwill or because I had a coupon.  :)

But I’m joining again because…..well, I can’t help myself.  It’s so much fun!

Here’s a list of the top 10 things I’m loving in 2011:


{1}  Lindt Dark Chocolate: A Touch of Sea Salt

You know a list is gonna be good when it starts out with chocolate, right?! You saw me talk about this in my Fridge & Freezer Vlog – seriously, SO good.  Mmmmmmmmm.  Good stocking stuffer for basically any woman in your life.  Or man.  I’m not going to judge.  lol


{2}  Old Navy V-Neck Cardigan {in Navy and Red}

I bought two of these earlier this year, and I love them.  They are 100% cotton and the perfect length.  They are on clearance right now for $15.  That’s a great price for a sweater that is classic enough to wear for years. 


{3}  Point of Grace:  A Christmas Story

A Christmas Story

It seriously doesn’t feel like Christmas to me until I pop this cd into the player (am I the only person on the planet who doesn’t have an ipod dock?  Yes?  Okay, just checking…) This cd got me through all my years of college finals.  It’s gorgeous.

79 reviews on Amazon and a 5-star rating.  You know you want to buy it…..


{4}  Kirkland’s Golden Rosette Mirror

I know I posted about this already, but I am crazy about my birthday-present-mirror from Kirkland’s.  It’s a little bit darker in real life than it shows online, but definitely still gorgeous.  It’s temporarily out of stock but I’m sure they’ll be bringing it back soon!  I knew I wanted a big mirror for my birthday, and at $49.99 on sale, this was way, way more affordable than a lot of the other ones I saw online. 


{5}  The Help

I saw this last week on my birthday and it was really, really, really good.  Like, really good.  I want to watch it again!  I was totally mesmerized by Southern life in the 60’s.  So, so so good.  Did I say that already? lol Now I totally need to read the book!


{6}  Anthro Farmer’s Egg Crate

{Here’s an example of how Sherry from Young House Love uses hers.}

A few months ago, I saw a blogger use this to organize her earrings on her dresser.  Brilliant!  I may or may not have a sweet sister who may or may not work at Anthro and who may or may not have purchased this for me for Christmas this year… {Hooray!}


{7}  Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro Nail Polish in “Burgundy Flirt”

Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro Nail Lacquer, Burgundy Flirt 390

No, it’s not a “trendy” nail polish brand, but I absolutely love this Rimmel polish for the winter months.  It’s dark without being creepy and red without being too holiday-ish.  You can get it at basically any drug store or Target, and besides the color itself, I LOVE the fact that the brush is flat.  Genius!


{8}  Target Cable-Knit Stockings

christmas and backsplash 042

I already showed them in my Christmas Home Tour yesterday, but I wanted to share them again here: I love my Target stockings!  They are $13 each, which adds up when you’re buying multiples, but I realized after shopping for a few weeks online that it’s really a fabulous price.   


{9} “Ribba” picture ledge from Ikea


christmas and backsplash 008

I am totally in love with these picture ledges I purchased a few months ago at Ikea.  They were $15 a piece and I am so, so happy I bought them!  They screw right into the wall and they have a little lip on the edge (as you can see), which is great for leaning frames or other objects.  If you go to the store to buy them, look in the picture and frames department (not in the shelving area).  


{10}  Taking Care of the “Me” in “Mommy by Lisa Welchel

Taking Care of the Me in Mommy: Becoming a Better Mom: Spirit, Body & Soul

A friend recently gave me this book after she was finished with it.  I am about 75% done with it and honestly have to say that it’s well worth the read.  Lisa is full of practical, real-life ideas of how to multi-task throughout your day so you can be more organized and disciplined – and thus have more time for taking care of the things that nurture your soul and spirit.  I highly recommend it!


Head over to Melissa’s fabulous blog, 320 Sycamore, to see who else is joining in the fun.  Have a fabulous weekend, everyone!


P.S. My little sister is a brand-new blogger and she’s joining this party for the first time!  It would make my day if you’d stop by and visit her!  She has a great list. ;)


favorite things 2011 button


  1. I don't have an iPod dock. My man still laughs at me when I ask to buy a cd. It's fun living in the dark ages, isn't it? :)

  2. i just saw the help, i thought it was really good. now it's nominated for some golden globes, too.

    i didn't know about the lindt choc bar with sea salt-but i did get everyone the trader joe's dark choc and caramel and sea salt bar. now THAT is good stuff!

  3. Jessica, not only do I not have an iPod dock, I don't even have an iPod. Actually, I have an iPhone, but I've never loaded any music on it. Can you believe that? I'm an old fuddy-duddy who plays CD's!

    Of course, my children are completely techno-efficient. The other day I mentioned that I followed someone on Twitter, and my 18-year-old said, "Well, you're not a complete troglodyte." Not complete, but pretty close! :)

  4. The egg crate is a treasure, just LOVE Anthro and the crazy unique things they have! Such a fun piece!

    And the HELP! Oh girl, I LOVED this book. Couldn't put it down... but I think I'm the only one that felt this way, I didn't like the movie?!?@ They got Abilene & Minnie right, but the rest of the character were nothing envisioned! And now I'm rambling... Merry Christmas to you!

  5. I just teared up reading your comment on my post---totally blaming it on pregnancy hormones! Thank you for your prayer. I love your list! I just got that sweater in navy at Old Navy last night (30% friends and family coupon. Woot woot!) The Help, oh yes, so good. But if you haven't already the book is phenomenal. They couldn't fit a 400+ page book into a movie. Love your mirror. And I will have to check out the mommy book! Following you back. :) Kerstin

  6. I love all your favorites! Can't wait to try that Rimmel nail polish. I live in the Uk and that is one of the brands I have seen over here that I actually recognize from the US.

  7. Hi Jessica! You always have fantastic favorites. That chocolate sounds divine and those cable knit stockings made me do a double take at Target. Love the Help as well! Thanks so much for joining!

  8. Oh man, the chocolate, the book, the cd, the mirror, ok pretty much all of it, great list! Merry Christmas!

  9. Love that mirror, it's fabulous! I always try to be a coupon shopper, but I can never quite get it togther. Half the time I forget them, and then just pay the full price rather than have to go home and back again, ha! :-) Always a goal of mine though.

  10. I love your list! The mirror is gorgeous and chocolate with a touch of sea salt...YUMMY! Angie xo

  11. Great Favorites! I love my egg crate as well. I smile every time I open the fridge! And who can resist chocolate and sea salt!Merry Christmas ~Liz

  12. So glad I came over here and caught your favorites. That chocolate sounds fabulous! You have some lovely things on your list, and I'm going to go check out Lisa's book right now!

  13. I enjoyed reading your list! Thanks for sharing your favorites! I'm sure by now I'm the only one who hasn't seen the Help, but I'm looking forward to watching real soon!

  14. the egg crate is kind of fabulous. love it.

    the help: my favorite book ever. aside from the Bible, of course! : )

  15. Fun list! That mirror is gorgeous. And I loved The Help!

  16. Great list. I love those egg crates too - so cute. The Help was great, wasn't it? I have seen the movie and am finishing up the book - you will enjoy it - it goes into to so much more detail than the movie did.

  17. love the mirror, can't wait to see it in person! and love that you added the egg crate to your list :) glad you're so excited!

  18. I love the Help and that gorgeous mirror. Those cable knit stockings are so cute. I might have to get those, oh, and the chocolates.


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