
Sunday, February 7, 2010

February Review: Week 1

As I sat down to write this post, I thought for sure my week had been SO busy. But then I went to review my calendar and realized I'd really only done a few things! haha! Sometimes, as a SAHM, I feel like my days are so busy with errands and housekeeping - but then to write it out, it appears that I did nothing! Well, I'm sure all of you (with kids, especially) know that's not true.
In the beginning, when I had my son and I was recovering from my c-section, there were days that I got nothing done - my husband was working and I was just on the couch all day because I was supposed to let my incision heal. There were days that I just repeated to myself over and over: "I sustained my son's life today. I sustained my son's life today." Sometimes that was my only accomplishment but I felt that it was worthy. :)

Anyway, here's the last week of our family life - pretty slow, but that's how we roll. :)

Monday - Went to the doctor and found out that Luke's lungs sounded great and there was no need for hospitalization. What a huge answer to prayer!

Thursday - Taught another voice lesson - I am so enjoying that time to teach, and it helps when you have a great student. Chris's mom watched Luke for us for a few hours so that we could get some time alone - we went to Barnes 'n' Noble and it was blissful. It also helped that my barista made me an amazing coffee. Mmmmmm.

Saturday - Went to another estate sale and then to a bunch of local consignment shops with Lindsay - they were having a great sale where everything below $10 was $1 and everything above $10 was $2! It was so much fun. I found a Banana Republic 100% leather purse with the tag on - for two dollars! I'm going to try to sell it on ebay. I figure I can sell it for $3 and still come out ahead. :)

I trimmed Luke's hair for the first time because I didn't feel like having it cut again and I figured I should at least try it. It was kinda like giving a wet fish a hair cut but thankfully it didn't turn out too bad!

Sunday - Went to Lindsay's son's 1st b-day party. It was very surreal to be there because I remember so vividly her being pregnant and then getting the call that he was born, and then holding his little body in my arms. I can't believe he's old enough now to eat cupcakes and ice cream!

This has been a much easier week as far as Luke goes because he has been SO much happier now that he's not sick. He has actually been a lot of fun and I'm beginning to notice that he's interacting more with me when we play - it's starting to feel more like we're playing "together" rather than me entertaining him. It's so nice.

Well, there's the week!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful post. I think you did quite a lot and it sounds like you enjoyed yourself and had blessings from the really necessary (your son) and the everyday, a cup of coffee. Blessings - big and small. ENjoyed hearing about your week. Thanks Jenn <><


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