
Friday, January 11, 2013

A Piece of My Past & Giveaway WINNER!

{Scroll down to see giveaway winner and details below.  Yes, I’m mean. haha}

Since I’m a SAHM with no money more time than money, sometimes friends and family will let me peek though their junk piles headed to Goodwill to see if I can find anything to sell on our local Facebook resale sites for a little extra cash (I explained more about those here).  I am SO grateful when people do this – I have made a decent amount of money this way and it seems to be a win-win for everyone! 

Yesterday my mom watched Luke while I was at an OB appointment (TWO! WEEKS! UNTIL! DELIVERY!) and told me she had a bunch of stuff that was headed for Goodwill unless I wanted to look through them.  Ummmm yes please!

Some of it was junk but I did find quite a few things I’m going to try to sell before the baby comes.  But I almost stopped breathing when I saw this little number among some kitchen odds and ends:

tupperware 001


That’s right, people, this hideously avocado green Tupperware has been a part of my childhood memories as long as I can remember.  I’m pretty sure my mom got it as a shower gift way back in 1983…and it held more tuna salad throughout the 80s and 90s than I can ever recount – somehow that became its life purpose in our family?!  haha

The thought of shipping it off to Goodwill?!  CRAZY.  It will stay a part of my life and my children WILL have memories of it in our fridge and around our house, I’m determined.  This puppy and me are bonded for life. 

Tell them to pot it with flowers at my wake. ;)

Anyone else have something from childhood that brings back memories for you like this?!



Drumroll please! The winner {picked by Rafflecopter} of a FREE print from my sister’s business, Creative Type Designs, is #2 – Kate M!  Woot! 

Congratulations, Kate! And a huge thank you to all who entered!  

PLEASE remember that Jill is offering a 25% coupon code good through this weekend on ANY of the prints in her shop!  And because the prints come directly to you via high-resolution pdf, you can buy it this morning and have it printed and framed in your house TODAY!  Talk about instant gratification!  ;)

One final plug for my sister – she is the real deal, you guys…a real graphic designer with a degree!  She does wedding invitations, save the dates, you name it.  If you’re going to need some professional “paper help” in the near future, definitely consider her!  She’s extremely accommodating and very affordable! 


Have a fabulous weekend, everyone!  I’ll be back next week with my VALENTINE’S decor! :)


  1. I love the idea of selling on Facebook. I wonder if there's anything like that in my area. How would I figure that out? That tupperware looks familiar from my childhood too. We had orange colored ones.

    1. Hmmmm...not sure; that's a good question! I heard about ours via word of mouth (and one was started by someone I know). One of ours is a local town's name followed by the word "Resale" - maybe try a few combos of that? Or you could start your own with friends! My sister did that in her area and it's been really fun for her!

  2. Oh my goodness, we had one of those green things too! I distinctly remember egg salad being in it, though! Glad you get to hang on to it for your kids.

  3. I sell on FB, too! :) It really is a great way to get a few extra bucks here and there. Last week I was cleaning out some cabinets and found a set of dishes I had forgotten I had. (Yes, an entire set of dishes I forgot. I know, I know....) Anyway, it was obvious to me that I don't need them so I snapped a pic, posted it and ten minutes later they were SOLD! Works for me. :)
    And guess what...I HAVE THAT SAME AVOCADO TUPPERWARE BOWL! :) And it will not be found on my local Facebook Yard Sale!

  4. I wish I had the Tupperware cups with the sippy tops. Although, I think I probably bit them to smithereens, but I still remember those cups and wish my kids had them!

  5. we totally have that one. just not the lid anymore.

  6. My mom had a bunch of tupperware like that when we were growing up. Glad you swiped it before it got to Goodwill!


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