
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Quick But Important – Please Read!

I keep meaning to say this, but I keep forgetting – hence why it’s getting its own post! 

My favorite part about blogging is all of the women I’ve gotten a chance to “meet” through the internet.  As a SAHM without cable, the internet is kinda my outlet in many ways.  I absolutely love the fact that so many of you are willing to comment on my posts and give feedback on what I’ve written – it really means a lot to me!  I honestly try to visit or respond to every one of you. 

But real life is that I have a husband, a toddler (!), and a life outside the internet.  I know that it’s hard not be a little offended sometimes if you write a nice comment to someone and they don’t ever respond (it’s happened to me plenty of times!). 

Basically the point of this post is that I’m asking you not to be offended if I don’t respond to your comment or get a chance to come visit your blog after you’ve visited mine!  I would hate for someone to think I’m “blowing them off” when really their comment just gets caught up in the mix of life and I forget. 

I try my best and now that I’ve added the e-mail function to my comments (I get an e-mail when a comment is left, so I can directly e-mail the commenter with a response), it is SO much easier for me to keep up! (A lot of you don’t have an e-mail attached to your blog, though, which means I can’t reply this way – you should really take a few seconds to do it!)

So, thanks for reading, and please know I appreciate every single one of you for following, reading, and commenting!  :)

Have a great rest of your weekend!

P.S. My friend and sponsor Darlene is hosting a scrapbooking giveaway on her blog!  Just thought I’d give a heads-up to any of you scrappers out there! :)


  1. I dont feel offended when someone doesnt reply to my coment. not all comments warrant a reply but the ones that do warrant a reply definitely get one when i receive comments and sometimes i reply to all on my blog comment section.

  2. The email comment response is a life-saver. Most of my comments come during the day while I'm at work. I can't check blogs there, but I can usually send a quick email to answer questions or just thank someone for visiting on breaks. I feel the same way. I want to visit everyone who comments, but it's just not feasible.

  3. LOVE love love the e-mail comments! So helpful!

  4. Jessica, I stummbled across your blog this morning and I am so glad I did. You seem to have something for everyone. I am glad I read this post because I rarely answer comments on mine unless they have a question. Gosh, I hope no one has been offended by that. I comment on many blogs and rarely ever get a answer back. I am new to the blogging world and,at first,answered all the comments until I realized no one else seems to do the same. Now I see... it's just a nice thing to do! Thanks for bring that to my attention. Love your blog!

  5. i could write this same exact post!!! : )


I'd love to hear from you! Comments make my day! :) I generally respond to comments right here on my blog. If you have a more specific question for me, you are always welcome to e-mail me at blessedlifeblog{at}gmail{dot}com.