
Friday, March 12, 2010

Fun Finds, Sponsor News, and A Look Ahead

How's that for a post title? I wanted to show some fun bargain finds I've found while out and about recently - stay tuned to the end for some big announcements!

Last night I got to go out - by myself - shopping for a few hours. (Side note: I am so used to lugging around Luke, his diaper bag, and accessories that last night I sat in my car in the driveway before I left, convinced that I must have left something behind because it was just me and my purse. Ha!)

{It's raining here today and there's no light so these pictures are very dark!}

I stopped into Michael's because I wanted to purchase an item with my 40% off coupon (that will appear in a post later), but I found this frame for $1.50 in the clearance bin:

It was 75% off b/c there's no leaning-thing (what is that called, anyway?) to hold it up, but I don't care - I'll lean it against a wall or a shelf anyway.

The dollar bins were 50% off, so I found this cute little frame (that will be spray-painted black or white):

and a retro-feel menu planner (hopefully having something so cute will kick my butt into gear to menu plan again!)

At T.J. Maxx, I was shopping for my niece's 3rd birthday party on Saturday. Our budget is about $15 for each niece/nephew (that might sound like we're cheapskates, but there's 7 of them and they're all well endowed with toys, anyway!). It always takes a little more time to shop for a gift that fits the budget, but oh-mylanta did I have fun looking through all of the girly clothes there. I could have spent a small fortune last night buying my girly niece all sorts of frilly dresses and tutus, but I restrained myself!
I wish with all my heart that I will get a girly-girl like her someday, but I have this sinking feeling that God will give me a tomboy and I will not have a clue about what to do with her! haha I found her this cute little pajama set (my SIL said she likes to have a new pair of pjs every night) and a bathing suit for this summer (I have witnessed this girl change bathing suits 4 times in one afternoon!).

Two bags of candy brings her gift to $15.50 - good enough for me! :)

The other reason I was at T.J. Maxx was to use a Christmas gift card from my MIL. She had bought me a sweater that didn't fit, and when I returned it I couldn't find a similar one anywhere. I was walking through the shoe section, when there before my very eyes was something I never knew that I always wanted:

.......lepoard-print wellies!

Ahhhhhh! I am in love with them! Chris just rolled his eyes at me and tried not to laugh when I brought them home, but I know that deep down he loves them too (yeah, right!). If only I was 5 years old and could wear them with any outfit and no one would judge me....... ha!

I also have to share my Rite-Aid stop last night: two items of Cover Girl makeup, totally free! No tax, nada, zip! Thanks to For the Mommas, I discovered that Rite Aid will give you two items free if you have a BOGO coupon coupled with a BOGO sale. {Coupon is in the 2/7 P&G insert - "Buy one Cover Girl face product, get one free." (I printed out the Rite Aid coupon policy, just in case there was a problem, but I didn't have to show anyone, thank goodness!).
I was totally sweating bullets when I went in there, but it went off without a hitch! Whoo hoo!

Cover Girl is my new favorite face makeup - their sensitive skin line is awesome! Perfect coverage, not too thick or thin, and their "Medium Light" shade is exactly my skin color - when does that ever happen?!

Well, those are some of my fun finds, now on to two announcements:

1. Amy's Facebook status recently said:

"There are lots of great Tupperware products that are being discontinued and not in the new catalog. This is the last week to order some of your favorites! Get the Heat N Serve to make a quick soda cake, or the spill-proof 16 oz tumblers! Get them now before it's too late!"

Here's a link to her actual Tupperware page in case you want to buy anything!

2. Soon (like hopefully within a week), I'm going to be showcasing another sponsor - my friend Darlene is a scrapbook distributor and she has lots of great stuff! She will be hosting a giveaway where you have a chance to win one of three great prizes - you'll get to pick! Even if you've admitted that you're not a real scrapbooker, like me, you will love the paper kits she's picked out for you (gorgeous designs and colors!). I'm so excited for you guys!

And last but not least.....

I'm in the progress of starting a blog party of my very own - think a place to showcase all sorts of bargain finds...I hope to get the party started in a few weeks so please stay tuned - I hope you'll join me, because it's going to be a blast!

Whew! You made it to the bottom, congratulations! :)
Happy weekend!

This post linked to Super Savings Saturday at Money Saving Mom.


  1. ooo I love parties and boy do I have bargins to share! Congrats on another sponsor :)

  2. Your blog party sounds like a lot of fun! I'm always on the prowl for a good deal, I'll be checking back for sure!

    Thanks for your sweet comments about my little boy too, it's hard not to keep the camera out when he's around. :)

    Have a great weekend!!

  3. great bargains! love those wellies too and my hubby would roll his eyes too! can't wait for the scrapbook giveaway!! =)

  4. You found some great bargins. I love shopping the clearance racks. Sounds like a fun party.

  5. looove that first frame. very pretty!


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