
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Yogurt Recipe - It's Not What You Think!

If you're visiting from Life as Mom, I'm so glad you're here! I linked up an old post to share in my first URS - I'm excited about this new weekly party!

Hey everybody! Did you all have a fun Thanksgiving?! We spent 5 days in CT with my family and it was nice to just have a change of pace. I did get to Goodwill but accidentally left all of my finds in the back of my parents' Tahoe so I'll have to show you what I found in a month or so.

I don't know about you guys, but I always eat well over Thanksgiving if you know what I mean! This year, since I am still on Weight Watchers, I really did try to eat moderately (I gave myself a little hiatus for the holiday). I am only up 1.5 pounds - and if you know the way my mom cooks, you'd know why I'm excited! (One year, no lie, I gained 5 pounds over Thanksgiving weekend. I'm pretty sure that's because I ate pie for three meals a day, though. lol).

Anyway, I'm back on track with Weight Watchers now that we're home and I wanted to share with you a really, really easy and healthy snack. If you're like me and ready to eat healthy again, you'll definitely want to try this! All of the credit goes to my friend Lindsay for finding this recipe, but she doesn't have a blog, so I can't link to her. When I first heard her talk about this, I thought she had curdled her own milk and stuff and I got a little grossed out - that's not at all the case!

Ultimate "Strawberry" Yogurt

3/4 C strawberries (just to warn you, strawberries make this watery; raspberries are my favorite with this)
2/3 C plain non-fat yogurt
1 T honey

Put berries in blender to chop into smaller pieces. Add yogurt and honey and blend lightly until well mixed. 1/3 C = about 1 pt on Weight Watchers

Guys, I am telling you, this is swoon-worthy! My husband HATES yogurt but absolutely loves it this way. I have made it a personal goal to never buy store-made yogurt again, because they're usually chock-full of chemicals. Plus, once you've had yogurt this way, you'll never go back! I might also add that it's a gorgeous color, too - how often do you get to eat something that is naturally this pink?

Cancer-fighting berries? Gooood.
Probiotic-rich yogurt? Gooood.
All-natural clover honey? Gooood.

(Bonus for you if you know what tv show I'm quoting. ;)


TastyTuesday200pix Welcome to my new home   Tasty Tuesday


  1. oh I am totally trying that! I love yogurt! thanks for the recipe ... maybe next time you are in CT we could get together! =)

  2. This is good! we call them smoothies because the kids like to eat them with a straw - sometimes i will loosen it with a splash of milk and even put some flaxseed oil in (they don't notice). All natural omega 3's = good. :) - Kari S.

  3. ok i just realized your approve your comments before they post. so you may have like 12 of the same message. Sorry

  4. Tried it! We LOVE it! Linking this to my blog. :)

  5. Hey - What kind of blender do you have? I need something that will mix evenly and take on frozen fruit and ice. Any suggestions?

  6. You might like making your own yogurt - easier than you think! And you save a ton of money. My no-dishes method is here:

    Strawberry looks yum-o!
    :) Katie

  7. Simple, nutritious and a lovely pink color - my 4yo daughter is going to love this!!

  8. That looks so yummy! Strawberry is my favorite kind of yogurt!


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