
Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Reason for My Blog Hiatus: Fun News! :)

Nope, I’m definitely not pregnant, and we’re not adopting…yet.  ;)

BUT I did just become an Independent Consultant for Thirty-One! YAY! 

I’ve literally been contemplating this and praying about this since February.  I’m pretty sure I’ve watched every single YouTube video about Thirty-One you could possibly watch, listened in on a new recruits call, spent hours reading posts on the Thirty-One Facebook and Pinterest pages…yeah you get the idea.  This girl is a liiiiittle obsessed! 

{Oh, and in case you’ve never heard of Thirty-One before, we sell totes, purses, thermals, bags, home organizers, etc….all in adorable prints and nearly all able to be MONOGRAMMED!  Be still my heart!!}


I got my first Thirty-One product at a home party in 2011 (the Organizing Utility Tote, to use as a diaper bag!) and have loved their products ever since.  Over the years I acquired a few more things, but since I didn’t personally know a consultant, my collection stayed small. 

In February, through a long series of events, I ended up getting a new {monogrammed!!!!} diaper bag to use for Olivia and fell in love with Thirty-One all over again.  I thought about it day and night and it got to the point where I couldn’t fathom NOT selling it.  I didn’t want it to just be something I owned…I loved the products and the company so much I wanted to be a bigger part of it. 

So I joined!!!!  On May 2nd, to be exact.  My enrollment kit arrived last week, and it is BEEEE-YOUTIFUL.  I am in love.  I’ve already had 2 orders, but my first “live” party is this weekend at my house.  CAN’T WAIT! 

I am *super* proud to represent a company that makes beautiful, functional, high-quality and durable products…that was also founded by a woman who shares my faith {Thirty-One comes from Proverbs 31, the chapter about the virtuous and hard-working woman}. 


My journey just started and I can’t wait to see where it takes me!  I keep praying so, so hard that God will let this business succeed (even if it’s small).  I just want to be a huge blessing to Chris and help contribute to our family financially!

Anyway, if you are interested in ordering anything, I’d love for you to take a look at my website!  We are currently running a crazy awesome sale on these items/prints {sadly both Fun Flops items you see below are sold out but the others are all still available}:



This month, the customer special is Spend $31, get any of the three thermal options below {come in multiple prints!} for 50% off!  And the awesome news is, you can use the clearance prices above ^ toward your $31 total to qualify for the monthly special!  YAY!  You can order a $20 item and a $10 item from above, throw in a $2 nail file you can find on the site, and you can qualify for ordering a special.  How fun is that?! 


Think about teacher gifts, graduation gifts, wedding presents {monogrammable, people!!}, and more.  We have something for nearly everyone. ;)

Anyway, if you’d like to order, shoot me an e-mail at blessedlifeblog{at}gmail{dot}com and I’ll be MORE than happy to send you my website info, how to order, etc. 

Anyone else out there in love with Thirty-One?!  What’s your favorite product?  Anyone out there never even heard of this company before?  I’d love to know that too!  lol!


{And soooo sorry to anyone out there who is awaiting my last Essential Oils post!  I’m so sorry…l didn’t mean to break my word about it being my next post on the blog.  Real life got in the way but it really is coming and I haven’t forgotten!!}